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The truth about price walking in insurance

This disparity between new and existing customers was particularly acute for older consumers who were less likely to have the IT skills to shop around for insurance regularly and with confidence.

In 2018, two insurance trade associations, representing insurance companies and brokers, published a code designed to address these issues.

Despite these measures, the UK’s insurance conduct regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority, intervened in 2020.

The City watchdog announced its intention to introduce a new requirement for insurers to ‘require firms to offer a renewal price that is no higher than the equivalent new business price for that customer through the same sales channel’ in the retail home and motor insurance market at the same level as the rates for new customers.

These rules came into force at the beginning of 2022 but as headlines in national newspapers show – consumers are less than convinced that the profession is no longer penalising those who fail to shop around.

The Chartered Insurance Institute’s Public Trust Index started collecting data on consumers’ views on renewal pricing in 2018.

The results over the different waves of surveys for the index demonstrated consistent concern over renewal pricing, relative to other key factors.

For retail consumers, it is clear the 2018 code agreed by the insurance bodies had little impact on the reputation of insurers over the two years.

It is also clear that the introduction of the FCA’s new rules has not had a huge impact either.

Since the introduction of the FCA’s rules, the opportunity scores for loyalty have not improved.

There could be three reasons for this.

Firstly, the FCA rules have not had time to bed in.

Secondly, claims inflation is putting upward pressure on prices, increasing premiums for both new and existing customers, leaving existing customers with an impression that nothing has changed.

The third reason the FCA rules have failed to turn around the public’s perception of whether the profession can be trusted is because the regulator’s requirements simply do not go far enough to address consumers’ expectations of rewards for loyalty, rather than simply an absence of penalties.

Throughout the last four years, responses to the CII’s Public Trust Index have shown that existing customers not only want fair treatment in relation to new customers, but they also want better treatment than new customers, as reward for their loyalty.

For example, in the last wave of the survey the statements that had the two biggest gaps between expectation and reality were: ‘My premium doesn’t increase because I’m not a new customer anymore’ and ‘I got a discount for staying with the same company.’

As Alan Vallance, the Chartered Insurance Institute’s new chief executive, pointed out at our recent Shaping the future of insurance conference, insurance professionals should see the price walking rules and the FCA’s Consumer Duty as an opportunity for them “to take greater control of our destiny.”

With the new Consumer Duty, the FCA has said it wants to measure outcomes rather than inputs.

This means that professionals who can demonstrate the value they are providing for consumers could win the freedom to do what works rather than being micro-managed by prescriptive regulation.

I think there is a real opportunity here for us to take greater control of our destiny, prove the value of the profession for the consumers and corporates it serves, or be passive and wait for the regulator to act.


Recruiting and retaining great staff – what does it take?

Read more: Allianz Claims announces two key promotions

“The workforce and its opportunities are no longer limited by geography,” he said. “The fact that a lot more organisations, such as ourselves, are offering hybrid working is great from an attraction point of view. It also means that a lot more people now have access to other jobs, which is a good thing and something that should be welcomed.

“So, we are seeing more volatility in terms of people considering opportunities. I think post-COVID as well, it has been well documented that people reassessed their careers, their professions. And we’ve certainly seen people who have decided, quite rightfully, to actually go and follow different passions completely outside of the industry – some into really different professions entirely as a consequence, and again, that’s to be supported.”

From Allianz Insurance’s perspective, he said, this has been seized as an opportunity to open up the horizons of where new talent can come from. The firm’s flexible working policy allows it to access skillsets and talent from further afield than has historically been the case where this was also a geographical consideration. With regards to talent attrition in the wake of COVID, he highlighted that he has seen this stabilise in recent months.

That period of people reconsidering what they want to do is a clear sign to the insurance market that the time is right to better articulate the value proposition of the industry, he said. Insurance collectively needs to get better at having those conversations in order to attract and retain the levels of skills and talent required to thrive.

As head of claims operations, Stait heads up a team of about 550 claims staff across three key claims sites in Birmingham, Milton Keynes and Trivandrum, India. Though it’s a role that keeps him busy, he said, it’s good fun and he’s proud to work alongside a committed team. And as somebody who started his insurance career with Allianz 14 years ago via a graduate programme, he has seen for himself what constitutes a great proposition equipped to draw in fresh talent.

“Since I joined one of our graduate programmes, I’ve moved around lots of different opportunities,” he said. “So when I speak passionately about Allianz, it’s on the basis that I’ve lived a lot of these experiences. I think, first and foremost, what sets our value proposition apart is that we’re a global organisation. And with that comes real opportunity, both cross-functionally and [geographically].

“We have a fantastic number of people on international assignments or secondment elsewhere, as well as internal movements. So, we offer opportunity, which is a key part of our value proposition. We’re also very committed to supporting [our team’s] personal and professional development. We have an array of internal talent development and skills development programmes across our business.”

These programmes, he said, span from foundational entry-level learning and development opportunities right the way through to more specialised areas. As the claims landscape has evolved over the last few years, so too have the skills required from a claims workforce and it is with this in mind that Allianz is increasingly offering skills and support packages that better support the forward trajectory of its claims talent.

From data and analytics, to digitalisation, to robotics and automation – these types of skills simply didn’t exist in the market in the same way back when he started, Stait said, and neither did the roles that go alongside them. So, now Allianz is actively investing in the future of its people by offering them opportunities to develop those skills through support packages which are resonating well both within existing teams and across the external market.

Read more: Navigating the cost-of-living crisis – how you can help out

“Obviously, pay and benefits is important as well,” he said. “We continuously look at our offering to ensure it remains competitive, which it remains so. In fact, in quarter four, we’ll be increasing salaries again, and we’ve revisited our benefits packages.

“That’s on top of a salary increase that we gave across the organisation in Q2 of this year. And it is in recognition of the cost-of-living crisis, [and the] pressure it’s putting on our people. But it’s also in recognition of the fact we’ve got really good people doing a really good job, and it’s only right and proper that we remunerate accordingly.”

Whether it’s the option for unfettered opportunities, the chance for meaningful professional development or a matter of being remunerated fairly, many of the same qualities necessary to attract great talent are also critical in creating an environment that encourages them to stay.

Allianz’s strong track record of supporting both professional and personal development plays an essential role in its retention figures, Stait said, and he believes the insurer’s heavy investments in its people are a crucial part of its USP. So, while the wider market has seen a higher number of people leaving insurance over the last 18 months or so, he can see the opportunities this is creating in terms of opening up vacancies as internal promotion prospects.

“I think, again, that speaks to that part of our own value proposition and the fact that there are numerous career paths that people can follow and develop at Allianz,” he said. “And that has been reflected in the number of appointments that we’re making internally as well.”


Editorial: Preserving the past to make way for the future

In turn, the response across the insurance industry has revealed the duality of feeling felt by so many as a celebration of a life well lived meets a consideration for what the future may hold. To my mind, it’s an extension and a reflection on the broader watershed moment facing the profession as it contemplates taking critical next steps amid an uncertain global environment.

In the wake of any passing, there is reflection on the past and the future, for the present never feels quite so real as it does when those two unknowable beings intersect. And the pomp and ceremony of the Queen’s funeral – which attracted the interest of many with little knowledge of or interest in the royal family – brings to mind a critical question facing the insurance profession. How can you embrace the clean slate offered by the future without throwing out the best the past has to offer?

Read more: Marsh, Beazley, Guidewire and more on the role of analytics in innovation

It’s a question being asked all across the profession as new opportunities for innovation, talent attraction and future-proofing the market come to the fore on an almost daily basis. In the move toward radical digital transformation, how can businesses avoid disengaging technology and systems that remain fit-for-purpose albeit appearing a little outdated?

In the drive for digitalisation, how can employers avoid the displacement of individuals whose roles are primed to become highly automated? And automation isn’t a button that will suddenly be pressed one day, it’s a slow and steady process, and leaders need to grapple with how to communicate its advance to those who feel their current contributions are being dismissed or undervalued.

Conversations about leaving people freed up to do more meaningful work are fair but these need to be ground-level discussions, communicated in an accessible and candid manner to the individual worker who has yet to see what that looks like in reality.

Read more: Innovation and diversity at insurance organisations go hand in hand

In the struggle to create a healthy pipeline of future talent, how can leaders prevent existing staff from being made to feel unappreciated or unseen? In the same vein, amid broader conversations about talent, how can real strives be made towards creating a diverse working environment that reflects our wider world without disadvantaging those who do not fit within those newly prized perimeters?

At the crux of all these questions is one problem – how to create a stronger, more innovative, more inclusive culture without losing the unique ‘something’ that has made this market what it is today. Because there is a culture in insurance and it’s a living, breathing thing. Like any living thing, it’s an imperfect specimen – always ripe for change even when it’s unwilling.

But that’s not to say there are not elements that need to be preserved and protected. And in our rush to create what we anticipate as being meaningful change, we must take care not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The answer, if one exists, is surely to encourage every insurance business to take something of a gold-panning approach to crafting the future – being willing to siphon away the obsolete, the unnecessary and the unacceptable but keeping their eyes wide for the treasures that might not look like gold at first glance.

The personal touch, the power of networking and the advice of ‘unfashionable’ individuals who still have something important to say – these are all treasures of the insurance market, and as nothing gold can stay, they are essentially inimitable. So, take a note from Her Majesty’s funeral – there is some place yet for tradition, ceremony and the way things have always been done.

It’s our responsibility not to take a ‘never the twain shall meet’ approach to the past and the present, or to pretend that by dismissing the former we are protecting ourselves from its mistakes and not blinding ourselves to its lessons. Rather, it is our role to find the junctures where the past and the present can come together in a bid to create a brighter future.


Beazley examines insurance needs of digital health businesses

Beazley examines insurance needs of digital health businesses

A new report by Beazley Plc has taken a deep dive into the opportunity-rich world of digital health businesses, a majority of which, it turns out, are not adequately insured. 

The Spotlight on digital health and wellness 2022 report was based on a Beazley-commissioned survey of 300 digital health and wellness industry business leaders from the UK, the US, Canada, and Asia (Singapore and Hong Kong). The poll spanned health and wellness practitioners; software and platform providers; health-technology and life sciences technology companies; and mHealth (mobile health), telehealth, and telemedicine providers.

Of the global respondents, it was found that 76% do not have a single insurance policy tailored to the risks they face, even while 99% of the firms surveyed plan to expand and 72% noted growth in demand. Business leaders acknowledged cyber and regulatory as the top risks.

Here are some of the findings:

  • 24% have a single industry-tailored policy that covers them for nearly or everything
  • 34% have a number of separate insurance policies, some or all of which are industry-tailored
  • 33% have a single policy that covers for everything or almost everything but is not tailored
  • 9% have a number of separate policies, none of which are tailored to their industry
  • 62% do not have coverage for technology errors or omissions leading to bodily injury
  • 69% are not covered for medical malpractice due to incorrect data leading to bodily injury
  • 37% are covered for bodily injury due to remote care

“In our experience, the largest cause of loss continues to be allegations of medical negligence or medical malpractice,” said Beazley’s Keri Marmorek, claims focus group leader for miscellaneous medical & life sciences. “Mostly these are traditional-type claims, but now a growing number stem from patient use of a medical platform or app.”

Meanwhile, below are the top risks for digital health and wellness businesses globally.






Meeting regulatory requirements





Regulatory or historical restrictions limiting growth





Economic uncertainty





Supply chain and manufacturing instability





Meeting a minimum financial performance





Ability to recruit, retain, and check credentials of practitioners





Billing errors for contract business










Inability to secure investment





Coping with pace of growth





Staying up to date with regulatory requirements










Evan Smith, global head of miscellaneous medical and life sciences at Beazley, stated: “As opportunities abound and economic imperatives force faster innovation to drive profitability, the insurance needs of the health and wellness sector will inevitably become more complex.

“Investment in cyber defences plus broader risk and crisis management are all strategies identified by digital health businesses to sustain growth in 2022. Such developments, while essential to the future of the digital health and wellness industry, will add further pressure on the insurance industry to adapt and evolve new coverages.”

For Jennifer Schoenthal, global product leader of virtual care, the insurance industry needs to continue to stay connected to business leaders’ concerns and work closely with clients as their businesses grow and digital health models move forward.


Hurricane season heats up in September

Read more: Revealed – main causes of catastrophe losses in H1 2022

Danielle became the Atlantic basin’s first named hurricane of 2022 on September 2 and was swiftly followed by Earl on September 6. Neither made landfall, though Hurricane Kay brought record rain and strong winds to southern California after hitting Mexico’s Baja Peninsula, reportedly killing four, from the Pacific.

Two named storms have this week formed in the Atlantic, and experts are closely watching a tropical wave, known as Invest 98L, a couple of hundred miles east of the southern Windward Islands.

Hurricane Fiona, which the National Hurricane Centre (NHC) said on Wednesday had strengthened into a category four storm, is predicted to track over parts of Atlantic Canada over the weekend, with the Canadian government warning of “multi-provincial” impacts.

The storm could be “shaping up to be a potentially severe event” for Canada, the government warned on Wednesday morning.

It is first expected to track in the direction of Bermuda late on Thursday, with the NHC having warned that the storm will bring storm surge and large and destructive waves across the coast, and two to four inches of rainfall.

Fiona has already brought destructive winds and rains to Puerto Rico, Turks and Caicos, and the Dominican Republic, with flash flooding posing a risk to life.

US President Joe Biden approved an emergency declaration for Puerto Rico on Sunday, with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) having confirmed on Tuesday that it was rushing hundreds of additional personnel to the territory to assist with disaster relief. The death toll in Puerto Rico could be as high as eight, Reuters has reported.

Eyes remain trained on Invest 98L, which had a 90% chance of formation over five days and 70% chance of formation over 48 hours as of Wednesday afternoon, according to the NHC, and would be known as Hermine. The wave is expected to move towards the Central Caribbean Sea later this week, according to the NHC, and meteorologists are waiting to see whether the storm enters the Gulf of Mexico.

AccuWeather meteorologists warned that US interests “from Miami to New Orleans” should be closely watching the weather system over the coming days.

Should Invest 98L intensify and hit the US, it would be the second Hermine to do so in the past decade; its namesake made landfall in 2016 as a category one storm and was the first hurricane to hit Florida since 2005’s Wilma.

Model runs indicate that the state could sustain a direct hit from a could-be Hermine, an Insurance Information Institute representative has cautioned.

US state Florida is already struggling with a homeowners’ insurance crisis, with several major carriers having exited the market and five domestic insurers having failed in recent months, and market sources have warned that a major hurricane hit to Florida this year could be catastrophic from an industry perspective.

Storm Gaston became the seventh named Atlantic storm of the season on Tuesday, though it is expected to remain over the sea.

 Read more: Aon reveals huge number of nat cat losses not insured

North America may have escaped a major storm impact so far this year, but in September alone three typhoons – Hinnamnor, Muifa, and Namnadol – have slammed into Asia, causing damage and loss of life.

Super typhoon Hinnamnor, the first storm to reach category five status in 2022 at the end of August, made landfall in South Korea in September as a category two storm. The death toll was at least 10, including seven people who died when they were trapped in an underground car park, according to BBC reporting.

Japanese officials had urged the evacuation of up to nine million people, the news publication said.

Typhoon Muifa, which made landfall in Eastern China last Wednesday, was widely reported as the strongest tropical cyclone to ever hit the populous city of Shanghai and saw 1.6 million forced to evacuate their homes.

Super typhoon Nanmadol reportedly left at least four dead and 114 injured in Japan. The typhoon first hit Kyushu on Sunday night before tracking through Honshu, leading to record rainfall and mudslide warnings. 

Last September saw 10 named Atlantic storms, of which five were hurricanes and of these two were major hurricanes, according to NOAA. The East Pacific saw just one named storm, hurricane Olaf, while the West Pacific experienced five named storms, including category five super typhoons Chantu and Mindulle.


Besso paid £5 million in ‘Pirate of the Caribbean’ settlement

A representative for Bloody Bay said it would be “inappropriate” to comment on the confidential settlement figure.

“We confirm that the litigation between Besso and Bloody Bay has concluded with the parties reaching a mutually acceptable settlement, the terms of which are confidential,” said a Besso spokesperson.

In court proceedings, Bloody Bay – representing the Superclubs group of hotels – had alleged that a former Besso broker had engaged in grossing up premium and had taken “secret profits” from the group.

It had sought to recoup in the region of $10 million in the now stayed court action. Prior to its acquisition by Ardonagh, Besso had filed a counterclaim and argued the case was based on “maintenance and champerty”.

Insurance Business understands that, prior to the settlement, the Bloody Bay group had attempted to involve the regulator in a failed bid to stay Ardonagh’s acquisition of Besso until the historic matter had been further considered.

Ardonagh paid a $500 million cash consideration for Besso and BGC’s other insurance businesses, including Ed Broking, in a deal that closed in November 2021.

Charles Christopher O’Sullivan, the ex-managing director named in proceedings as having engaged in the alleged misconduct who has been nicknamed the “pirate of the Caribbean” in reports, was not immediately available for comment.

O’Sullivan was censured by a Lloyd’s tribunal in 2017 on three counts of discreditable conduct and ordered to pay council and tribunal costs totalling upwards of £120,000. Had O’Sullivan not faced an interim suspension of his Lloyd’s pass, the tribunal said he could have also faced a £135,000 fine due to the “sufficiently serious” nature of its findings.

The former managing director was also barred from doing business in the insurance marketplace and from entering the underwriting room.

The Lloyd’s enforcement tribunal found he had engaged in “deception” while at Besso, where he worked until 2011, and later at Bennett Gould & Partners where he was fired for gross misconduct in 2012.


Allianz Partners names new CEO

Since 2020, Kunzmann has been leading the mobility & assistance line of business for Allianz Partners as a CEO and board member.

Effective September 1, 2022, Kunzmann is succeeded by Laurent Floquet who has been nominated as CEO of mobility & assistance and board member of Allianz Partners.

Floquet joined the Allianz Group in 2014 as head of business development for Allianz Technology before moving to Allianz Partners in 2016 where he has since held several key roles.

Commenting on the appointments, Sirma Boshnakova, board member of Allianz SE, said: “I am happy that Tomas is taking on the CEO role at Allianz Partners. Given his experience at Allianz Partners, he’ll bring business continuity, hands-on market knowledge, and a strong track record of collaboration and implementation to the role.

“He is in a clear position to accelerate the momentum that we have achieved at Allianz Partners in delivering excellence and simplicity at scale for the benefit of our customers and I wish him the very best of luck in his new position.”

Kunzmann also commented on his appointment and said that after two years leading the mobility & assistance business, he was “proud and humbled” to step into the role of CEO and lead the business into the future. The focus of Allianz Partners will remain on boosting growth, he said, by strengthening its core activities and building new business models and ecosystem platforms.

He added: “Laurent is an experienced leader who combines an excellent track record of driving business growth in the assistance business, with strong change and transformation skills. He has been instrumental in supercharging our transformation over the last number of months and I know that he is the right leader to boost our mobility & assistance business and seize the right opportunities for the future.”


Russell Group joins IUMI as professional partner

Russell Group joins IUMI as professional partner

Russell Group has joined the International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI) as a professional partner.

According to the analytics and risk modelling company, as a professional partner, it is looking forward to broadening the IUMI debate and exchanging expertise and ideas within the marine insurance sector.

The partnership will allow IUMI members to access Russell’s data and analytics expertise, while Russell will benefit by engaging with the broad membership of IUMI during its annual conference, as well as through other meetings, webinars and events.

“We produce a huge range of insights, analytics and industry specific thought leadership that are relevant to the IUMI community. We look forward to engaging with them on the topic of connected risk,” said Suki Basi, Russell Group managing director.

Russell’s data insights and analysis on the crisis in Ukraine have been covered in major media and shipping trade publications. According to Basi, Russell’s data on the value of trapped assets and their economic exposures, as well as the marine and non-marine classes affected by the event have been validated by clients and media reports.

“We are moving into a new world,” Basi said. “How will this change underwriting towards being more resilient and sustainable in a more connected trade environment? The emergence of outcome-based insurance solutions protecting trade from disruption, will form part of the answer. We look forward to sharing our analysis with the IUMI membership at this year’s annual conference and throughout the year.”


New underwriting manager on Acasta Europe’s portfolio expansion plans

Speaking with Insurance Business UK, Scrivens noted that he came to the insurance profession in a slightly unusual way, through a springboard diving friend, who recommended him to cover maternity in a pan-European company called Europ Assistance in Haywards Heath. 

“While there, I learned the ropes of underwriting in travel, motor breakdown and home emergency before being promoted to senior underwriter,” he said. “The head of underwriting, Fiona McDonald moved to start up the underwriting arm of ROCK Insurance, in Crawley, called OPERA Underwriting, and asked me to move and become the underwriting manager working closely with claims and assistance companies, capacity providers and clients.”

While at OPERA, Scrivens was responsible for travel and travel insolvency and auditing both claims and assistance companies, ensuring the profitability of the portfolio and being the point of expertise for the clients. From there, he said, he made the move to sunny Gibraltar where he worked as a claim analyst for Skyfire Insurance in motor insurance before returning to the UK and his underwriting roots with a role at UK General in Leeds. 

“At UK General I was responsible for a variety of products ranging from travel, wedding and event to motor ancillary, cycle and gadget insurance while managing a team of underwriters,” he said. “I finally decided it was time to move to new challenges and was offered a position I could not refuse at Acasta.”

Now as underwriting management at Acasta Europe, Scrivens leads the team in establishing the design, price setting and implementation of new and existing products, while monitoring its portfolio of products, to ensure that it achieves targets, and managing a team of underwriters to help them develop and grow. This will also include reporting to the board, he said, and building strong relationships with the current capacity provider, existing clients and potential new business partners.

Read more: Top tips on how to be an effective problem-solver

There are several pressing areas of focus for Scrivens and his team in the latter half of 2022 but top of the agenda is ensuring good relationships with Acasta Europe’s existing partners while maintaining a profitable portfolio of business. As with any such business, he said, the team is keen to have a diverse portfolio so will be ensuring that it is diverse enough in the future to weather any potential storms.

“The main topic of conversation at the moment is inflation and the cost-of-living crisis,” he noted, commenting on the market conditions driving Acasta Europe’s strategic objectives. “We need to ensure that we are going to be profitable in the coming years as we price now for the next three to five years. 

“Inflation has a massive impact on this as we need to ensure that we are profitable, while also being customer-centric and ensuring that claims can be paid in the future while continuing to provide products that are affordable. There’s no point in having a product that is either out of kilter with the market or unaffordable.”

Acasta Europe works closely with its broker partners, he said, as it recognises that brokers are a key element to its ongoing success. As part of the group’s commitment to them, the team works closely with its brokers to be sure that their needs are met, and to ensure they are kept educated and informed about the business and the decisions it makes. 

“This also works both ways,” he said, “and it is important to our team to understand not only our customer needs but also our clients’ needs.”

Looking to the year ahead, Scrivens highlighted that Acasta Europe’s overall ambition is to have a profitable, diverse portfolio, as well as growth within its team and growth within its portfolio. What the company should have, he said, is a close relationship with its business partners, with a portfolio of existing and new clients who understand their market and the issues of customers, capacity providers and claims partners. 

“Our plan includes expanding current lines, such as GAP and warranty, to include electric vehicles, and developing our offering of wedding insurance to provide further levels of cover for different budgets and events,” he said. “We are also looking into brand new lines such as travel and gadget, and have also recently launched a cycle insurance scheme which we aim to develop and grow.

“As a bespoke underwriter, and having a close relationship with our capacity provider, we are able to look at a wide range of prospective businesses.”


Column: The rediscovered power of expertise

That’s not to confuse an expert with a specialist – to my mind they remain separate beasts despite the extensive overlap between them. To be an expert is not necessarily to possess the ability to drill deep into any one subject matter but rather to be on hand with explanations, evaluations and – where possible – answers to the questions of those you have imbibed with confidence in your capabilities. 

The critical need for expertise and the role of experts in providing insight has only become clearer in recent months, against the backdrop of a wider society in which so many once theoretical questions around pandemics, cyberattacks and war have become so concrete.

It is those same individuals who have translated their appetite for providing the right resolutions into accessible solutions for their clients and partners who are leading the charge of directing the future of the insurance profession at this time. The CFC Summit 2022 – the first of its kind to be held in the UK – was a particular standout in championing the role of the expert.

Authorities on everything from cyber insurance, to the NFT marketplace, to the burgeoning role of healthcare tech came together to share their expertise with brokers, underwriters and the broader insurance distribution chain. The result was a delight to see. Between the engagement from the audience, the poise and conviction of the speakers, and the enthusiasm for the in-person setting – the willingness of the profession to engage with the future of insurance appears self-evident.

There are examples all across the market of experts and expertise coming to the fore. From in-depth industry reports examining the scale of the challenges the industry faces, to leaders providing insight into pricing stabilisations, to ‘Rising Stars’ offering thoughts on what the future of insurance will look like – one and all, these experts have expertise to bring to the table, and an audience that is uniquely primed to pay attention.

I’d be hard-pressed to name an individual I’ve spoken to yet in my time within the industry who didn’t have some expertise, whether or not they recognise it for what it is. But faced with so many examples, there’s less and less excuse for insurance professionals across the ecosystem not to recognise their own influence and to find opportunities where they can lend their insights.

With so much uncertainty in the global environment right now, the die has been cast. And insurance professionals, and brokers, in particular, need to step up and be the expert their clients don’t just expect but need right now – not the person who claims to have all the answers, but rather the one who knows where to find them and will stop at nothing until they do.


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