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Acquisition spree continues: PIB Group takes hold of Brokers Union

As part of the deal, the advisory and brokerage services provider will complement and enhance the offering provided by WDB, a Polish brokerage that is part of PIB and plays a key role in its consolidation strategy for the Polish insurance brokerage market.

Brokers Union CEO Filip Rybacki (pictured) said the acquisition is a massive step towards building a competitive brand in the Polish and foreign markets.

“I’m very glad that we are now, together with WDB, part of the PIB Group,” Rybacki added. “I am convinced that the combination of our knowledge and experience will bring both sides many tangible benefits. It is not only an opportunity for business development, but the investment also represents a huge injection of energy and inspiration that will support our daily operations. Most importantly, for our employees, I believe that we are building a great space for their personal and professional development.”

WDB CEO Mariusz Muszyński welcomed Brokers Union to PIB and WDB, noting it represented the group’s growing Polish operation and the opportunity to work together on several synergies.

“Their experience in handling public tenders will be a particularly valuable addition to our combined offering. I look forward to working with Filip, Patrycja, and their fantastic team, whose proximity to us in Wroclaw is a great start to our ambition of building a strong brokerage hub for our region,” Muszyński continued.

The announcement follows PIB’s acquisition of Ireland-based Campion Insurance (Campion) and Oliver Murphy Insurance Brokers (Oliver Murphy), following regulatory approval. Earlier this month, the group also announced its fourth retail acquisition in Ireland with the purchase of Alan Tierney & Partners Ltd (Tierneys).

Commenting on the latest acquisition, PIB CEO Brendan McManus said: “This is another exciting moment for PIB Group as we welcome everyone at Brokers Union. Their arrival boosts PIB’s growing international footprint, and their expertise further strengthens our existing capabilities in the territory through our WDB operation. We look forward to investing in the next chapter of success for Brokers Union and their collaboration with WDB for the benefit of their customers and colleagues alike.”


Insurance regulation: BIBA execs on regulating the regulator

“That’s why we’ve not just got a chapter on it, we’ve also got it running like a torrent through the whole of the BIBA Manifesto,” he said. “We’ve got advisory boards for small brokers, large brokers, network brokers and all sorts of different brokers at BIBA but the small brokers are often the most vocal. So, we absolutely know what their issues are and certainly regulation has been a concern.”

BIBA CEO Steve White (pictured below) highlighted that the first two sections of the chapter dedicated to this consideration look specifically at the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and make the point that the weight of regulation is impacting the broking sector’s ability to innovate. This, in turn, is leading to knock-on effects for customers.

The increasing weight of FCA regulation is the number one issue for BIBA’s members, he said, and one of BIBA’s frustrations is that there does not appear to be anybody at the regulator’s HQ who is taking a helicopter view of the impact of layer upon layer of regulation. BIBA is calling on both the FCA and Treasury to take a step back and examine that impact because its effect on smaller firms is “stifling”.  

“So, we’re calling on the FCA in this section to think clearly and with some effort about the word ‘proportionality’,” he said. “The bulk of the firms that they regulate are smaller firms and this feels very disproportionate.”

Trudgill stated that members have informed BIBA that it’s taking around nine months to receive approval for a change in management, which is far too long. The FCA needs to help make the market work well by supporting brokers in doing their day job, he said. BIBA’s Manifesto revealed current statistics around general insurance intermediary consolidation – in 2011, there were 5,955 intermediaries in the market compared to 4,352 a decade later.

Read more: BIBA on what’s causing “uproar” among insurance brokers

This increased M&A activity is at least in part because some brokers can simply no longer cope with the cost and weight of regulation and are having to join up with larger firms. Trudgill noted that there is no single answer with regards to how to offset the regulatory burden weighing on brokers but that part of the answer is something that BIBA has been lobbying on for four years.

“If we can get that growth and competitiveness objective for the regulator, that will manage them and contain them a bit,” he said. “They’ve never had that before, they’ve been a bit out of control. Having that containment, and they would have to report every year on that as well – on how they’ve made sure that all the new things they’re doing meet this growth and competitiveness objective -that could be such a help in making sure that the regulation is more proportionate and appropriate for members.

“We’ve been bending John Glen and his team’s ear about that for a long time. He knows what we want. And it’s such a big deal for us to get that specified in the latest Treasury regulatory framework consultation. So, hopefully, we can get that one through over the next year or two.”

The implementation of the FCA’s general insurance pricing practices, which BIBA did a lot of work towards ensuring works for members and insurers alike, is verification that real movement can be made with regards to regulatory processes. But Trudgill emphasised that the sheer weight of regulatory concerns means there is still a lot more to do. For BIBA, these things cannot be seen through a silo and so these challenges are tackled in conjunction with other macro-environmental considerations, such as the public perception of insurance and broadening access to insurance services.

Read more: Chair of BIBA’s Access to Insurance Committee calls brokers to action

The association has its own Access to Insurance Committee now, he said, and also sits on the Disability Insurance Champions Access Committee as well and has an outreach programme to charities. This work is not necessarily explicitly outlined by members but rather centres on BIBA’s core philosophy – of representing the sector and promoting the benefit of brokers and how they help consumers.

“There are so many good stories to tell about brokers,” he said, “and we’re trying to help tell those stories.”


FM Global welcomes CIO to leadership team

FM Global welcomes CIO to leadership team

Commercial property insurer FM Global has announced that it has appointed Sanjay Chawla, the company’s chief investment officer, as an executive vice president.

Chawla’s promotion reflects the contribution he and his investment team have made to the total financial strength of FM Global, the company said. FM Global’s insurance investment assets have grown to about US$25 billion (about £18.68 billion).

In his expanded role, Chawla will become more involved in strategic corporate initiatives, including collaborating on the company’s environmental, social and governance priorities. Chawla reports to Malcolm C. Roberts, president and CEO of FM Global.

Chawla joined the company in 2018 as senior vice president of investments. Within a year, he was ranked among the 10 most innovative and influential corporate CIOs in the world, according to Chief Investment Officer, a business news website.

Before joining FM Global, Chawla served as vice president and CIO of Raytheon’s pension investments. He has also served in various finance leadership roles at Dow Chemical.


Interim CEO Jonathan Clarke on the past, present and future of the CII

Clarke went on to become the CII’s treasurer between 2003 and 2007 and was appointed president in 2018, with his driving theme being the development of a united profession. For him, he said, the key was to be united around standards and professionalism, as well as the diversity of the activities that insurance professionals are involved with and, perhaps most importantly, the diversity of the customers they serve and their diverse needs.

“During my year as CII president, I travelled the country visiting various local institutes, attending all kinds of interesting and diverse events,” he said, “and witnessing the tremendous work our members do every day to promote the standards and professionalism of our sector. Being out here and meeting members and the customers we serve in their hometowns is a great way to both see the value of what we do and also to learn about what we might do better, or in a more helpful way.”

In his time as president, Clarke said he was continually reminded of how important it is for insurance professionals to also make time to celebrate their successes, be that through exam awards or during the Public Trust Awards, which speak to professionalism in a truly positive way. One of the dangers in taking on a position like CII president is that you’ve been involved for a while, he said, and it is easy to assume you know how things work and what members are looking for. It is those visits to local institutes that keep you grounded and aware of the importance of keeping the CII relevant, he explained.

Exploring that relevancy, Clarke highlighted that 2022 marks 125-years since local institutes came together to form the federation which would evolve into the CII, a professional body worthy of a Royal Charter to raise public trust in the profession. Reflecting on that history, and the impact of the pandemic on the profession and the public the institute serves, he said, he still sees evolution.

“The Federation’s initial aim was to produce technical papers – akin to the good practice guidance issued via the [CII]’s Societies of insurance and personal finance professionals today – and to establish examinations,” he said. “Our first president remarked: ‘The demand of the day is for technical education in every branch of skilled industry. Is, then, instruction in insurance business not to advance with the times?’

“At the start of the 20th century, CII president F.W. Pascoe Rutter noted: ‘Working together, as one united profession, we will drive confidence in the power of professional standards.’ The [CII]’s leadership recognises that we must continue to evolve to meet the needs of insurance and personal finance professionals for relevant learning and a benchmark for professional standards.”

It was this thinking that was behind the launch of the Shaping the future together consultation in 2021, he said, an initiative that encouraged members to share their views on proposals for how the CII will work. The CII will share the findings of the consultation, and how it will help shape the group’s work to ensure it continues to raise trust in the insurance profession, this year.

Read more: Applauding insurance’s New Generation

Clarke noted that Fisher’s announcement last year that she would leave the CII on March 31 was consciously timed to see through the Shaping the Future together consultation process, cover the 2021 financial year-end and ensure her permanent successor would be able to take forward the board’s refreshed strategy and the next five-year plan for the CII.

It was to ensure continuity during 2022, that he been appointed as interim CEO until the permanent CEO is in place, he said, and the recruitment process for a new CEO is well underway and being led by the CII’s chair, Dr Helen Phillips, and the CII board.

“As a past president and CII treasurer between 2003 and 2007,” he said, “I am aware of the wonderful work the institute, along with the local institute, membership society, practitioner panel and regional committee volunteers, do to raise trust in the insurance and personal finance profession. I hope to couple my deep understanding of our organisation with my expertise from working in the insurance profession, links with the personal finance profession and engagement with regulators to bring immediate benefits to the CII as a professional body and to our members.”

His role is to keep the CII looking forward and allow the new CEO, when appointed, to step into the job and develop the strategy to take the CII into the next period. The organisation has had a successful consultation with members, he said, and will want to look at what that means for the institute, and to produce a deliverable plan for the organisation and its members.

Looking to his own points of focus during his tenure as interim CEO, Clarke highlighted that he wants the insurance and personal finance profession to utilise the diversity of its skills to continue to make a positive impact on the financial resilience of society. For many years, he said, his hobby has been sailing – a sport that embodies teamwork. Teamwork is something he has always believed is incredibly important.

“In the way the CII is structured, we have a great opportunity to work together,” he said. “Working together, we can train, teach, mentor, inform and educate each other and, in the process, we can help foster the trust in our profession that we all want to see. A friend’s mother used to say ‘we are all special, we are all unique’. I believe my role is to foster that sense of inclusiveness that allows us to build the team here at CII. But we must respect that our members have individual needs while still being in so many cases part of teams delivering on the wide range of financial services we collectively offer our customers. 

“Professionalism in all we do in financial planning and advice and insurance is a key plank in public trust.”


Last call to join Insurance Business UK’s Fast Brokerages report

Last call to join Insurance Business UK's Fast Brokerages report

Don’t miss the chance to be featured in Insurance Business UK’s Fast Brokerages 2022 report. If your brokerage enjoyed a year of increased revenue, headcount growth, and other milestones, this showcase is the right platform for you.

Participation in this annual ranking provides a wealth of opportunity for businesses looking to build their profile in the industry. Winners will be featured on the Insurance Business UK website and gain access to exclusive marketing and promotional opportunities designed to amplify their achievement across multiple channels.

Submit your entries before the deadline this Friday, January 28.

The Fast Brokerages 2022 report will be published on the Insurance Business UK website and in an official e-report in April.

Submit a nomination form here.


CEO on the key to MGA success in 2022

The last 18 months have seen many MGAs negatively impacted by the uncertainty and upheaval of the COVID-19 crisis, with those firms operating in the travel contingency and hospitality insurance markets especially affected. Zeroing in on some of the key problem areas that he is currently seeing impact the industry, Keating highlighted that, first and foremost, all MGAs need to look after their capacity.

“That’s the first principle,” he said. “They are an agent of the insurer, they’re there to underwrite profitably so, therefore, you have to look after your capacity.”

Looking to specific segments of the economy, such as hospitality which has been shut down or limited for the bulk of two years now, clearly indicates where MGAs have displayed agility in that they have been able to shift gears and mitigate challenging market conditions. Some MGAs have been able to pivot, he said, in a bid to service and assist their clients during the lockdowns, and by negotiating with their respective insurers in terms of reduction in coverage or where they’re not operating but still need to recover assets.

Read more: Mike Keating on turning challenges into opportunities for the MGA sector

“MGAs have again been very active and proactive in terms of doing that and in looking after customers in those sectors,” Keating said.“[While, at the same time,] MGAs have been able to pivot and look at other sorts of product opportunities during that lockdown period. Again, the themes I’m sure you recognise are the nimbleness, agility and entrepreneurship of MGAs to quickly respond to customer and client needs. And that is something which is unmatched and unrivalled elsewhere in our profession.”

Find out more: Listen to some of the biggest names across the sector discuss the impact of COVID-19 on MGAs


A patient kicked me out of my own window

Among the most unusual payouts Aviva had to make, however, was for a shop owner who claimed that a misguided sheep leapt through his showroom window, shattering it into bits, before disappearing.

The insurer also revealed the 1978 case of a London hotel keeper who suffered a blow to the eye from the cork of a champagne bottle he was opening. The worker successfully claimed £25 and ten shillings, or £20,120 in today’s money.

Read more: Insurance: the weird and wonderful

“As our records show, we’ve seen the strangest and most unusual claims, which goes to show that planning for the unexpected is good business practice,” said Nick Major, managing director of commercial lines at Aviva.

But apart from the strange, the company has also paid out on some of the most infamous and tragic events in the country’s history.

In 1963, Aviva insured some of the banknotes stolen in the Great Train Robbery involving a Royal Mail train going to London. The company paid out £1,091,340 and ten shillings, or equivalent to £59 million today.

Aviva also paid for a fishmonger’s van caught in the siege at the Libyan embassy in London following the fatal shooting of PC Yvonne Fletcher in 1984. The vehicle was parked nearby and could not be moved until the siege ended 11 days later. By that time, the fish the van was carrying had already rotted. 

“Aviva has played an important role helping businesses protect what’s important to them, enabling them to continue to trade through good times and bad, something we have continued to focus on through the COVID-19 pandemic,” Major said.


DWF appoints insurance partner

DWF appoints insurance partner

A global provider of integrated legal and business services has appointed a new partner to its insurance team in London.

Joining DWF’s expanding professional liability team is Lucy Tolond, a financial services expert with 15 years of experience in the professional indemnity market. She was most recently a partner at BLM, where she worked for more than a decade.

Tolond specialises in defending claims for professional negligence against accountants, tax advisers, financial advisers, insurance brokers, mortgage intermediaries, insolvency practitioners, pension professionals and trustees. She regularly advises insurers on coverage issues and manages large numbers of claims. She has also assisted clients with large-scale redress exercises arising out of S166 Skilled Person Reviews. 

Tolond “has a strong reputation as a robust litigator with vast experience of managing wide portfolios of work including taking several high value claims to trial,” said Kieran Walshe, global head of professional indemnity and commercial insurance at DWF. “Her expertise in the financial services sector expertise will complement our client offering and I am delighted that she has chosen to join DWF’s expanding professional liability team.”


LIIBA to deal with “unprecedented pace” of change in 2022

LIIBA to deal with "unprecedented pace" of change in 2022

The London & International Insurance Brokers’ Association (LIIBA) has said it aims to put London’s insurance brokers at the heart of the debate about how best to achieve net zero carbon emissions, amid huge economic and cultural changes in the UK.

In its 2022 agenda, LIIBA said that the UK government’s aim to make London a global green finance hub meant that more than just banks must be involved. According to LIIBA, brokers have a major role to play in guiding the insurance industry’s transition to net zero.

The brokers’ body said it will also work with the government via the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Insurance and Financial Services to promote the “enormous opportunities” presented by London’s emergence as a centre of excellence for managing climate change.

Another major point on LIIBA’s 2022 agenda for is working with HM Treasury on its future regulatory framework, especially with influencing the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) understanding of the lower level of risk to the public posed by the wholesale insurance market. It will also work with UK trade commissioners to open up new markets around the world alongside the continuing liaison with the FCA itself.

“2021 was probably not quite the year that we all had hoped for in terms of our emergence from the pandemic,” said Christopher Croft, CEO of LIIBA. “But, in general, it was a successful one for our market against a backdrop of wholesale change. I think we made clear progress in our mission to create the regulatory, tax and operating environments vital for our members’ business to flourish. In 2022, we want to see the unnecessary regulatory burden our clients have to bear because of the FCA’s approach eased. The government’s proposed new competitiveness objective is welcome, but it will only translate into the more proportionate regulatory approach our export-focussed market needs if there is a fundamental change in culture at FCA.”

LIIBA hailed as one of its successes the HMRC’s decision not to pursue proposals to make insurance brokers responsible for unpaid insurance premium tax. Looking back at the previous year, LIIBA said that tightening domestic markets internationally have led to more business flowing into the London market, giving London a strong reputation for “championing its clients”.


David Howden on record-breaking results and plans for 2022

“[That’s] probably twice what most of our listed peers are reporting,” he said, “and that’s really a reflection of the health of our business, in terms of winning new clients and, critically, in attracting talent into our business to win those clients. When you break it down, 30% of that 19% came from the over 500 senior colleagues that joined us around the world and are really helping us develop new products, win new business and drive the business forward. To me, that’s the big barometer of our health and the first thing I always measure.”

Exploring that talent piece further, Howden said he believes a key differential of the insurance group is that it is a real magnet for talent. Howden recalled that when Peter Blanc [Aston Lark CEO] decided to bring Aston Lark into the group, he highlighted that he was looking for a “forever home” for the broking business. That’s a feeling that resonates within the market at the moment, he said, as a lot of people in the industry are becoming a bit disillusioned with some of the other models available and are open to exploring more long-term solutions.

Over 2,000 of Howden’s employees are shareholders in the business, which is proof of purchase of its long-term orientation, and Howden noted that being part of a business built for the long haul is an attractive proposition for many insurance professionals. It is attracting the interest of strong industry talent, he said, as they are drawn to a people-first business model that believes that attracting and retaining talent is the key to providing great client service. Short-term gain doesn’t interest Howden, rather the focus is on finding the longer-term opportunities available to the insurance market, and investing time and energy into those areas.

Where organic growth, as facilitated by a talent focus, is the first measurement of success for Howden, the second looks through an acquisitive lens. 2021 made for pleasant viewing, given the key strategic acquisitions completed last year which have taken the group into a prime position in the UK market. Howden now has 160 offices in the UK, with over 5,000 people looking after around 1.7 million policyholders and controlling about $8 billion of GWP in the UK market.

2021 saw Howden acquire both A-Plan Insurance and Aston Lark – and the combined businesses aim to offer the insurance market a new broking powerhouse. Craig noted that while the Aston Lark deal is still waiting for regulatory approval, it is expecting to complete the acquisition by March 31.

Read more: Aston Lark-Howden – a merger, a rebrand and what’s next?

“Peter, Carl [Shuker, A-Plan CEO] and I are very active already, working out exactly how we will bring these [businesses] together,” Howden said. “What we want to create in the UK, and beyond, is a very client-focused business. We’re looking at our clients and asking how we can show that – from an individual wanting a car insurance policy in Yeovil right through to the very largest financial institutions in the UK – we are relevant to them.

“[We’re asking] how we can build a business that provides all that expertise and all those products. All of our regional expertise is really going to be looking at clients’ needs, because it’s one thing insuring what clients need today but much more interesting is what the needs of our clients will be in the future. How can we listen to them and work out where insurance will be relevant? I think creating this new powerhouse is a very exciting opportunity. And certainly, Peter and Carl and lots of people in the group, have got a lot of work ahead of them as well as a lot of opportunities.”

After the success of last year, Craig noted that the group’s ambition for 2022 is “to grow at least as much as we grew last year”. Initial indications at the end of the first quarter are looking very promising, he said, and Howden is performing well ahead of where its budgets lie and so is expecting another very good year.

For David Howden, there are three key areas of focus for 2022. Firstly, he said, he wants to deliver the message to those in the insurance industry looking for a new home that in Howden they will find a long-term player with an eye fixed on the future. That people and talent piece is critical and goes to the very heart of Howden as a business. Already over 2,000 people in Howden are shareholders, he said, but he’d love to see at least 30% of staff become shareholders and enjoy being owners in the business they are helping to shape.  

“Secondly, I think relevance [is key],” he said, “We believe there’s room for a European powerhouse, we’ve already taken that position in the UK. And an interesting stat is that we are now, by most metrics, bigger than JLT was when it sold to Marsh. They had 10,000 staff, we’ve got 10,500, their EBITDA was around £320 million, ours is around £440 million including Aston Lark. So, [our question now] is how can we be as powerful and as relevant in continental Europe, as we have to become with Aston Lark and A-Plan in the UK.”

Read more: DUAL CEO sheds light on major transaction

The third string to Howden’s bow in 2022 will focus on redefining underwriting, which its international MGA arm DUAL is now well on the way to doing. That means providing thought leadership to the market and discovering what they want and how it can be achieved via investments in digital and data, in a bid to move the needle of how the market thinks about risks. It comes back to his earlier point, Howden said, about the long-term mindset of Howden and the way it continually explores how to be relevant for clients in a fast-changing world.


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