Funds to help families who incurred costs in their efforts to save their children

FSB Insurance Service has announced it has secured the top prize of £20,000 through the 2023 Aviva Broker UK Community Fund for their chosen charity, which they named to be Birmingham-based SPLIT UK.
In a news release, the insurance service lauded the support SPLIT UK provided to families who incurred unexpected costs at the time their child is in need of intestinal or liver transplants. “It’s a lifeline for the families facing a journey no one should travel alone,” the release said.
Helping families during challenging times
In the UK, one in 1,000 children develop liver disease. Technology nowadays could save the lives of these children, including through advanced diagnosis, drug therapies, molecular genetics, and transplantation. However, there are only three transplant centers in the UK, and some of the children with the disease had to travel long distances for treatment, resulting in more expenses than anticipated.
This is the point where SPLIT UK steps in, supporting the families during these challenging times. They offer financial support and crisis grants through the SPLIT Family Fund; provide vital information on organ donation, liver/intestinal disease, and transplantation; assist in the research and education into the causes of liver/intestinal disease and transplantation, and treatments.
FSB Insurance’s senior executive, Anne Butler, is one of those who witnessed the support that SPLIT UK provides.
“My seven-year-old granddaughter Tilly was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer just before COVID struck,” Butler said. “After rounds of chemotherapy to shrink the cancer, the only real cure was a multi-organ transplant. SPLIT was amazing and supported Tilly and the family all the way along what was a very bumpy road. Tilly is now fit and well, and thanks are also due to hospital staff, the transplant teams, and the selfless generosity of the donor family, for which we will be eternally grateful.”
“Thank you, FSB Insurance Service; here at SPLIT UK, we are so grateful for your efforts, and your donations will help many families in the future,” said Sally Jerome, trustee and advanced nurse practitioner at SPLIT UK.
The funding was presented during the final of the Aviva ceremony in London. Of 40 brokers who applied, only five secured the top tier of funding. The secured funding is in addition to the £4,742 that FSB Insurance Service has already raised in the year so far through other activities, including a Snowdon climb.
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