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Broking CEO on seizing new opportunities

These opportunities have been coming thick and fast for the group, as it recently hit the £41 million GWP mark and is well on track to reach its target of £100 million GWP in five years. This is from a complete standing start, he said, with no debt and no outside investment, and is the result of year-on-year profit from its inception and, while balancing growth with remaining profitable has been no easy feat, it has been a rewarding journey.

“We’ve seen quite a few brokers come and go,” he said. “And we’ve seen a lot of brokers with a lot of financial backing behind them who seem to grow rapidly, and then just make millions upon millions of losses, for a good number of years. For us, our model is completely different, our model is of sustainable growth. And obviously what comes first is profitability, but I think sometimes when you look after profitability and you run a business well, growth naturally comes anyway.”

Rigby started his career in insurance when he left school to work for a local high-street broker which provided him with a solid grounding as his role in the branch allowed him to try his hand at every part of operating the business. After a few years, he moved on to Hill House Hammond before joining Autonet and then setting up a new broker for someone else. After two years of doing that, he decided to use his expertise to create his own business and went into partnership with Paul Dunn to create iRevolution, which has just completed its seventh year of trading.

A few core staples underpin the ethos of the group, Rigby said, including its focus on specific non-standard lines, especially non-standard motor, but also its embracing of marketing and technology. From its inception, the business has been very marketing-led in terms of channelling growth and it has made heavy investments in technology that have particularly paid off during the COVID crisis.

Read more: What’s the key to being successful in insurance broking?

“While we saw a lot of people declining during COVID, we saw a lot of opportunity in it, and it created a lot of opportunity for us,” he said. “We were very well-drilled and well-planned for COVID because we had a senior meeting in January before the first lockdown happened to discuss what was happening.

“We saw it coming from a long way off, so we planned for it and built it into our continuity plans. And because we had embraced technology early on it was quite easy for us to push people into working from home so, when everything actually happened, it was seamless for us and we had people working from home within a day. And because of that, it enabled us to stay quiet, calm and focused.”

This, in turn, has allowed iRevolution to take advantage of new growth sectors and to build on areas in which it already had a solid standing, including courier services and fast-food delivery which both grew rapidly during COVID. For other product lines, it was about stabilising them rather than actively pursuing growth and balancing these two strands allowed the business to stay calm, focus on growth and spot opportunities as and when they arose.

One such opportunity was the recent purchase of a new £1 million headquarters for the group, which will house its Insurance Revolution staff in the heart of Manchester’s Castlefield. It was at least partially due to COVID that the business managed to buy the building, which was initially on the market for £1.6 million.

“I think under normal market circumstances, we wouldn’t have got it for the price we got it for,” he said. “But we were able to move when nobody else seemed able to move and we’ve continued to recruit for the whole of last year when a lot of other people weren’t doing that. And that actually enabled us to bring in some really good people as well, because no-one else was really recruiting.”


Over the “corporate” rainbow: Being authentic matters in Pride Month

Just five days after Garland passed away, New York City police raided a gay club called the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village, NYC, triggering the Stonewall Uprising. The raid sparked six days of riots and violent clashes with law enforcement, and is largely seen as a catalyst for the gay rights movement in the US and around the world. 

The convergence of the two events – Garland’s death and the notion of hope inspired by ‘Over the Rainbow’, alongside the violent suppression of freedom in the Stonewall Uprising – inspired openly gay artist and activist Gilbert Baker (1951–2017) to subconsciously couple the rainbow with the gay rights movement.

Read next: D&I plays important role in business resilience

Baker would later go on to create the rainbow flag, which remains to this day a key symbol for the LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) community. The original flag contained eight colours (there are many different variations today) which were: Pink – sexuality; Red – life; Orange – healing; Yellow – sunlight; Green – nature; Turquoise – magic & art; Blue – serenity & harmony; Purple – spirit.

You might be thinking: why the history lesson?

Because there’s significance behind the flag, and businesses (insurance organisations included) that mark Pride Month by adding rainbows to their corporate logos would do well to acknowledge that. 

I recently read a post on LinkedIn that described the corporate rainbow movement as “glorified marketing”. It was not an original argument by any means. Terms like “virtue-signalling” and “rainbow-washing” re-emerge every Pride Month, with people accusing companies of slapping rainbows on corporate logos and making statements in support of the LGBTQ+ community without taking any real action.

The message is loud and clear. Just paying lip service to diversity and inclusion (D&I) will meet with backlash. Firms must prove the authenticity of their support for the LGBTQ+ community (and others) through action, advocacy, mentorship, allyship, and by using their powerful corporate reach to influence positive change.

Read more: Embracing diversity at Allianz Australia

And there are many examples of insurance organisations that are doing just that. I’ve spoken to lots of insurers that have launched employee resource groups (ERGs) for the LGBTQ+ community, setting the industry up as a place where everyone is welcome. Others are supporting the community financially through non-profit organisations and by supporting events, and some insurers have even launched queer-inclusive commercials.

Furthermore, more and more insurers are appointing D&I leaders who are setting ambitious strategies and enhancing open communication and education around D&I issues – supporting LGBTQ+ rights being just one of many on the agenda.

Some insurers can hold their heads “way up high” and be proud of the actions they’ve taken to back up their statements of support for the LGBTQ+ community. Others that use the rainbow simply “because it is Pride Month” should reflect on the meaning of the flag and consider what actions they can take to create a more inclusive future for everyone.

Only then, in the words of Dorothy, will “dreams that you dare to dream […] come true.”    


Marsh on the new opportunities in the insurance sector

Read more: Marsh and Aston Lark reveal top tips for remote onboarding

“It has been a tough time for young people,” he said, “especially as the job markets and industries that traditionally employ a lot of younger people at the start of their careers – retail, hospitality, etc. – have been really hard hit. Luckily not so much in financial services, but in other industries when companies hit troubled times, it is often the junior or less-skilled end of the population that gets affected the most.”

To a certain extent, Woodhouse said, insurance, and financial services more widely, seem to have fared better as an industry than many and so they are not coming under the same pressure to make staffing cuts. However, some companies have seen fit to freeze their graduate schemes as they feel it is too difficult to implement these virtually. Meanwhile, Marsh has gone the opposite route. This year, its graduate scheme, which is set to start in September 2021, will take on 65 graduates, up from 50 last year and 40 the year before that.

“When there’s more talent on the market, it’s the time to go recruiting,” he said. “And what I would call the great, forward-thinking companies are actually expanding their early careers and their graduate and youth programmes, because they’re saying ‘right, we need to fund the talent pool for the future’. And the best time to fix a roof is while the sun is shining, not while it’s raining.”

Read more: Marsh Commercial leader on the four key ways to build trust in insurance broking

Marsh has received a record number of graduate applications this year and Woodhouse highlighted that he has seen a broader range of people applying for these opportunities. People tend to see financial services as something of a safe haven in troubled times, he said, and Marsh is not prescriptive on what degrees it accepts, as it’s about the person rather than the qualification.

Another interesting trend he has seen is the rise in people who are interested in a career in financial services opting to explore insurance opportunities. When he first started leading the grad programme at Marsh, Woodhouse saw that most top graduates wanted to become investment bankers. That trend is now shifting as, even in a tough job market, graduates are being more discerning about where they work and more focused on the value set of the organisation they are joining.

“In MMC, we talk about being there for the moments that matter for our colleagues and when I talk to graduates at assessment centres or when they come in, that’s the thing they want to talk about,” he said. “And it’s interesting because, when I started my career, the [main questions] were about ‘where I am going to be working?’ or ‘how much am I going to get paid?’ and now it’s more about what the company does and how that fits into society, about ESG strategies, etc… So the challenge for organisations is to be able to match up to those values-based decisions that graduates are making more and more.”

Read more: Career advice – why choose insurance broking

Insurance is an industry that people are usually pleasantly surprised about when they join it, he said, which is reflected in the retention rates throughout Marsh’s two-year structured graduate and apprenticeship programmes, which run between 95% and 98%. A role in insurance broking means that most of your time is spent thinking about your clients and their businesses, so people tend to find that whether their passion is technology, or cyber, or fine art, they get to explore that and spend their days working within that sphere.  

“I think we’re an industry that has woken up to the fact that we have to grow our own,” he said, “because when I look at the demographics and skill set of the insurance industry, it’s just not where it needs to be. In insurance, we have an obligation and an opportunity to change that demographic and we can only do that by bringing new people through.

“So, in insurance, and definitely at Marsh, we’re becoming less about just going out to hire talent from somewhere when we need it and more about actually developing and growing and keeping that talent. Because that’s how we get our competitive edge. [Of course], there are experienced people around the market that we will go for to fill a particular role but if we don’t grow our own, we’re never going to have the type of diverse organisation we want going forward.”

Speaking from his personal experience, Woodhouse said, he classes himself as incredibly lucky to have ended up in the right role at the right company at the right time, and he is passionate about leading Marsh’s forward-focused talent trajectory. The insurance sector is facing a time of significant change and opportunity and companies have to be prepared to face that.

“If I look back 10, 15 years, we were a very different organisation, with quite a different culture,” he said. “But that coming together of a seismic industry change, an organisation the size of us with the scope and obligation to make that change and the right leadership culture within the organisation do it – those three things have come together at the right time to create a really interesting time to be in this industry and in our company. And it’s not just about us, it’s about the whole of the insurance sector and companies that have got the right culture will thrive in the environment that we’re in.”


European regulator charges Insurance Ireland with breaking competition rules

Insurance Ireland has previously stated that the probe was against it alone and not its members, and therefore the maximum fine that could be imposed would be 10% of its own turnover. However, The Irish Independent’s report noted that legal sources who specialise in competition law have agreed that the EU Competition Directorate can fine organisations – if it finds against them – 10% of their worldwide turnover.

The EC had opened its probe into Insurance Ireland’s data-sharing system in May 2019 and its findings follow a two-year investigation after claims about “cartel-like activities” by Irish insurers were credited with keeping competition out of the market. The EC has said that its preliminary view is that Insurance Ireland breached EU antitrust rules by restricting competition in the Irish motor vehicle market.

In a statement, the EC noted: “The European Commission’s preliminary findings show that Insurance Ireland arbitrarily delayed or de facto denied the access of certain insurers and their agents to Insurance Link. Since at least 2009 and until today, access has been linked to membership in the association.”

The EC also highlighted that Insurance Ireland sets the conditions of access to Insurance Link, which is made up of a non-life insurance claims data pool and a data-request facility for claims. The Commission said that Insurance Link assists its users (firms offering motor vehicle insurance) in better assessing risk and in detecting and defending themselves against potential fraud.

“The commission’s preliminary view, outlined in its statement of objections,” the EC said in a statement, “is that lack of access to Insurance Link has the effect of placing companies at a competitive disadvantage on the Irish motor vehicle insurance market in comparison to companies that have access to the database.

“This affects negatively costs, quality of service and pricing. It also acts as a barrier to entry and thus reduces the possibility of more competitive prices and choice of suppliers. Lack of access to the relevant data contained in Insurance Link also has an effect on cross border trade between member states, resulting in the potential partitioning of the single market.”

Executive vice-president Margrethe Vestager, in charge of competition policy, said: “Motor insurance is a significant cost in the budget of every family and business. Access to data is key for insurers to evaluate the risk they take and to offer competitive contract conditions to customers.

“We have concerns that certain insurers and their agents were put at a competitive disadvantage because Insurance Ireland denied or delayed access to its data-sharing system, compiling valuable information on insurance claims. This prevented competitive entry of new players and thus reduced Irish drivers’ choice of motor insurance policies at competitive prices.”

She also highlighted that non-discriminatory access to data sharing systems is important to foster competition in markets relying on data.

In a statement on its website, Insurance Ireland recorded the decision of the EC and said it is important to note that the Statement of Objections sets out the EC’s preliminary views only and was not the European Commission’s final decision. It stated that Insurance Ireland will now have an opportunity to respond to the Statement of Objections over the coming weeks.

“Over the last four years, Insurance Ireland has cooperated with the investigation of the European Commission and we will continue to do so through this stage of the process,” the association said. “We will now assess the points set out by the European Commission and we are confident that we can allay the European Commission’s perceived concerns.

“Insurance Ireland notes the European Commission’s statement states that  ‘Opening a formal antitrust investigation and sending a statement of objections does not prejudge the outcome of the investigations.”


How has favourable pricing affected reinsurance premium growth in Q1?

How has favourable pricing affected reinsurance premium growth in Q1?

Positive pricing momentum has driven premium growth in the global reinsurance sector in the first quarter of 2021, according to a new report from Willis Re.

The firm tracked the performance of 17 of the biggest global reinsurers with significant commercial lines or reinsurance operations over the course of Q1 and found that most firms achieved “meaningful premium growth” over the quarter due to momentum from favourable pricing.

“Continued rate momentum for reinsurance and commercial insurance lines of business drove strong premium growth for a number of the companies which we track,” Willis said in its report. “Notable examples included year-on-year quarterly growth in net written premiums of 14% by Hannover Re and Zurich, and growth of almost 10% by AIG and Chubb.”

While acknowledging some slowing in rates for certain lines of business and geographies, Willis noted that management teams were “confident that reinsurance and commercial insurance pricing would remain favourable for the remainder of 2021 and into 2022.”

Willis also added that management teams were also not “unduly concerned” about inflation, taking the view that – inflation trends had not changed significantly, the gap between headline rate increases and loss cost inflation remains significant, and historically conservative reserving approaches provide a buffer.

“While inflation is certainly a threat to the non-life business model, we also note that a material uptick in inflation should also be accompanied by a normalisation in interest rates,” Willis noted.


WOMAD Festival under threat – Peter Gabriel calls for UK government insurance scheme

WOMAD Festival under threat – Peter Gabriel calls for UK government insurance scheme

The WOMAD Festival may have to be cancelled this year because of the lack of insurance coverage for the event – and the industry, including one particularly big name, is calling for the government to step in.

Peter Gabriel, the singer-songwriter who co-founded WOMAD, told BBC Radio that the UK government should introduce “something like an insurance scheme, some sort of underwriting scheme,” adding that the organizers would likely have to cancel if there is no government support – especially when the festival had faced bankruptcy on two previous occasions.

“We can’t risk sinking it this year,” Gabriel said.

The calls have been backed by many within the insurance industry too.

“The UK Government has a long- and creditable- history of schemes set-up at crisis moments to assist the insurance industry to provide cover to industries and individuals that need it,” Jonathan Drake, a partner at global legal and business services provider DWF, told Insurance Business.

Drake also pointed to several precedents for such a scheme, mentioning Pool Re – which was set up following the Bishopsgate terrorist bomb incident, to allow terrorism insurance for commercial properties – and the Trade Credit Reinsurance Scheme during COVID-19 – which helped insurers provide cover to suppliers of goods.

“If the political will is there then a scheme to allow contingency insurance to be written for festivals like WOMAD and Glastonbury, is more than possible – and a potential vote winner,” said Drake.

This year’s WOMAD is scheduled to start near the town of Malmesbury on July 22 – three days after the government’s lockdown restrictions are scheduled to be lifted.


Lloyd’s secures £650 million cover to support market growth

Lloyd’s Central Fund is a mechanism, governed by the Council of Lloyd’s, which will pay any valid claim that cannot be met from the resources of any member.

The new multi-layered cover will reimburse aggregate payments from the Central Fund in excess of £600 million, up to £1.25 billion. This, Lloyd’s said, serves as a key component in its chain of security. Its layered structure is supported by newly created cell company Constellation IC Limited, which is financed by J.P. Morgan. It also includes a panel of eight major reinsurers: Arch, Berkshire Hathaway, Everest Re, Hannover Re, Munich Re, RenaissanceRe, SCOR and Swiss Re.

Aside from providing a layer of protection to the Central Fund, the new structure creates a significant buffer against adverse solvency developments and improves Lloyd’s central solvency ratio.

“We are very proud to place this innovative cover with eight of the world’s leading reinsurance companies and secure the support and commitment from one of the largest investment banks, J.P. Morgan,” said Burkhard Keese, chief financial officer of Lloyd’s.

“This unique structure will enable us to support the market’s growth ambitions over the next few years, while also strengthening the resilience of our balance sheet. Our capital management and position are now more resilient than ever, providing enhanced protection for customers.”


Senior insurance leaders weigh in on the joys of working in the tech space

And, given the role that technology is increasingly playing in every profession, from teaching, to medicine, to law, to insurance, the concern raised by initiatives like ‘Insuring Women’s Futures’ that women may be at risk of falling behind a digital skills divide is a credible one. Recent UCAS data, provided by HESA revealed that only 35% of UK STEM students in higher education are female and so there is an expediated need to encourage more girls and women to explore tech opportunities.

It was in this spirit that Insurance Business recently spoke to several senior leaders involved in the insurance industry about what it means to work in an innovation-orientated role and what qualities are needed to have a successful career.

For Markel’s chief digital officer Carla Owens (pictured above), the route to her current role only really began several years into her career when, around 2009, words like innovation and big data and predictive analytics started to be bandied about the insurance marketplace. She was curious about that, she said, and knew she wanted to be a part of the journey of figuring how to leverage data and operationalise it to form technology solutions. She made the leap from the underwriting side of insurance to the technology space, which at the time was completely outside her comfort zone, and has never looked back.

“Over time, I started to take on larger roles, beginning with more of the project management and implementation side, and then moving into more strategic roles centred on empowering the business by leveraging technology towards success,” she said. “So, I’ve been at Markel now for about just over two years and it’s been an amazing journey. And quite frankly this is my dream job because I get to empower the business from a technology standpoint… and figure out digital ways to solve its problems, not just from a short-term perspective but also a long-term perspective.”

Read more: BT’s Alex Foster on the cyber exposure created by mega-mergers

Highlighting her own passion for the tech space, BT’s director of insurance, wealth management and financial services, Alexandra Foster (pictured immediately below) noted that her favourite part of working in the industry is the opportunity to work on something new every day.

“The world of tech is constantly evolving,” she said, “and being able to help customers solve problems through technological innovation is extremely fulfilling. At BT, our mantra is to ‘Connect for Good’, and I love working in an environment that cultivates a growth mindset.”

Leaning on her experience within the sector, Foster highlighted her belief that the twin traits required of leaders in the tech industry are those of empathy and vision. It is diversity that unlocks innovation by introducing fresh perspectives, she said, and having women involved in decision-making within the tech industry is important in and of itself because it brings new ideas to the table and pushes boundaries.

“The reality is that, in the tech space, we don’t always know who our end customer is,” Owens said. “And we don’t know their background because we don’t usually get to have those watercooler-type conversations with [our clients]. So, from my perspective, to succeed in this space there has to be a diverse group of people at the table that are contributing to what that end experience will look like. … In order to be successful, you need to have a makeup of a team that is diverse in nature and diverse in thought and [willing] to challenge each other.”

It could be said that women can sometimes bring a bit more empathy, or more of a trust standpoint, to the table, Owens said, and by bringing these diverse groups together you can ensure you’re getting the best customer experience built into that innovative technology piece.

Caroline Bedford (pictured immediately above), chief executive of the innovation, education and development firm EDII, considers herself lucky to have worked with a real mix of leadership and personality styles over the years – working alongside empathetic man and unsympathetic women, and vice versa. Certainly, in the last few years, she said, the people who have supported her have been both male and female.

“So, I don’t think being a woman has brought a different level of skill to my tech career, I think being me has,” she said. “And I sometimes get asked in mentoring sessions from young women looking to have a family and a career – ‘what’s the magic bullet that helps you?’ Firstly, there isn’t a magic bullet, we all have our own struggles… but I do think taking responsibility for your choices is important.

“And one of the things that I do say in that situation is that, if you do choose to have a career and you want a family then be very careful in your selection of a partner. Don’t leave that to chance, make sure if you have a partner that your career is as important to them as theirs is to you. Whenever I’ve looked at working in Bermuda or spending time in Singapore etc, my husband has always said ‘we’ll make it work.’ And we always do make it work.”

Overall, Bedford said, she doesn’t see the success she has enjoyed throughout her career as being linked to her gender but rather down to a myriad of other factors including the fact that she has empathy and is considerate for people, that she thinks about the bigger picture and that she has energy. And none of those factors are just female qualities, she said, but they are the qualities needed to thrive in the innovation space.


Gallagher fully acquires Swiss broker Hesse & Partner

According to Gallagher, the acquired businesses will be rebranded in the coming months. As part of the transition process, Guido Hesse will cease working on day-to-day operations as CEO, and will instead focus on strategic leadership as chairman of the board.

The firm will also open a new branch in Geneva, to be headed by Anthony Faessler, which will significantly increase its employee headcount.

“As a fully integrated part of Gallagher in Switzerland we are in a strong position to offer our clients the best solutions both in the national and international arena,” said Hesse. “Additionally, we are expanding our office network and investing in digitalization to improve the exchange of data and information with our clients and partners by implementing an improved IT system, which will create added value for both our clients and for us.”

Meanwhile, Stephan Bachmann has been appointed as the venture’s CEO, succeeding Hesse. As a member of the executive management team, he was previously in charge of international clients and property insurance, overseeing national and international industrial clients. Bachmann previously held various leadership positions at well-known international industrial insurers in Switzerland and abroad.

“Creating a wholly owned on-the-ground Gallagher presence in the strong economy of Switzerland, with its mature and globally significant insurance market, is another exciting development in our current European expansion,” said Vyvienne Wade, chairperson of Gallagher Global Broking in Europe, the Middle East, & Asia.

“The Hesse & Partner team has an excellent reputation for providing innovative solutions for industrial and commercial clients and it is known for its exceptional industry expertise in the increasingly important waste-to-energy sector. We have built a strong rapport with the firm and under the leadership of Stephan the team will play an important role in our development and growth in Switzerland.”


“Significant volatality” in the pricing environment

Even without the pandemic, Kennedy noted that the regulatory reforms sweeping the insurance sector, between the FCA’s ban on general insurance price walking and the Ministry of Justice reforms, each constitute substantial changes with resounding knock-on impacts. To have so many factors all happening at the same time has made for a very unusual period.

Yet, while the last year or so has been quite hectic, he said, it has been rewarding to be in a position of supporting clients in understanding what each regulatory change means for them and in helping them to determine the different strategies required to respond to changes in the market. For Pearson Ham, as a pricing consultancy firm, this has meant more than just discerning market insights but also developing these further to generate recommendations for clients.

A key component of this has been finding new ways of sharing its findings, and the business has utilised a variety of channels during lockdown, including regular webinars exploring market updates. Touching on the firm’s most recent webinar, Kennedy highlighted some of the key factors behind the current pricing tumult.

“We’ve seen a massive price deflation within the motor insurance market,” he said. “At the beginning of last year, there were actually some increases coming in, after a short period of deflation towards the end of 2019. In terms of profitability, we were at a point where the prices needed to come up as the combined ratios were over 100%, so, from an underwriting perspective, the industry was loss-making – the point at which the cycle usually turns.

“At the beginning of the year there were several storms so prices in January/February did start to go up a bit, then the pandemic hit. This caused disruption and uncertainty and prices increased into March, a lot of which was around logistical challenges. So we did see either prices increasing or quoteability dropping, not due to profiteering but rather as insurers tried to stem the number of calls coming to their centres.”

When it became clear that the volume of traffic usage had dropped substantially, prices started to come down significantly across the sector. From March through to the rest of the year, he said, competition intensified with the vast majority of insurers reducing their prices, but they were still not getting the volume impact they expected from this reduction. This led to bigger price reductions, only buffered by the reduced claims frequency being seen, which then began levelling off a bit towards the end of the year.

Read more: FCA’s new rules against general insurance price walking revealed

And then the FCA’s announcement on banning dual pricing came out in September, he said, which caused many providers to pause for thought as the question of how this ban would be funded came to the fore. From his overview of the market, Kennedy had seen some insurers initiating something of a “land grab” before the new regulations were implemented in a bid to bring in as much new business as possible while they still have a differential between new business and renewal pricing.

“So it’s just a case of who’s got the nerve to carry that on, and how much they’re willing to invest in doing it,” he said. “I would expect there to be more of a levelling off because of the easing of restrictions. If people are starting to get back out on to the road, then the ‘benefits’ of lockdown are going to be quickly diminished. So I think there’s probably more nervousness now about putting that level of price-cutting in.”

The market is currently down about 15% in terms of premium year on year, he said, which is particularly significant in light of the regulatory change around pricing and the chunk of profit this is going to take out of the market once people can no longer be overcharged at renewal. The FCA’s ruling is a nuanced consideration, he said, because the facts of the matter show that six million people are being overcharged, which needs to be addressed. But then this only represents about 20% of the market, which means that 80% of the market is either paying the right amount or being undercharged.

“The FCA has also estimated that insurers and intermediaries are investing around £2.3 billion into acquiring new business,” he said, “and that cost will have to be borne by somebody, by all customers, if they aren’t able to use the overcharging of renewal customers to cross-subsidise it. So, in terms of fairness, it’s the right thing to do, but it does mean that everybody else is going to have to pay for that and I think that’s probably something that’s been missed a bit. In terms of what happens to industry pricing, new business prices will have to come up to rebalance what’s happening at renewal, and it’s just a case of when that happens.”

Read more: Car claims on the rise as restrictions ease, says LV=

Pearson Ham, which keeps a close watch on what insurers’ requirements are both in terms of understanding regulatory changes and in developing strategic objectives, is now seeing a lot of demand from insurance companies looking for a viewpoint on their competitors’ moves and insights into when the market starts to move up. Nobody wants to be the first to move, Kennedy said, particularly in a market that’s so reliant on price comparison websites and where price elasticity is so high. 

A very small price change can move an insurer from position one to position 10 on these sites and, if you’re outside of the top four or five, you realistically won’t be able to sell almost anything, he said. Nobody wants to be in that position, even if it’s going to be for a short period, which is why there’s an increased demand for market price tracking. Insurers are keeping an eye on competitors’ moves, what segments are being targeted and, increasingly, on the lifetime value of customers.

“There are some people who are more likely to renew than others, regardless of what the price is,” he said, “so you may not be able to overcharge them next year, but you’ve still got a pretty good chance of retaining them. And it’s just a question of how to rebalance that by bringing on board more of those people who are more likely to renew and charging appropriately for the people who are less likely to renew because you’re not going to be able to increase the margin on them later in the tenure. So that sort of stuff is what’s happening now and that’s what insurers are keen to understand.”


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